广东省高档温泉度假区游客利益细分研究 本文发表于《旅游学刊》,2006年,第21卷,第5期,P.68-74.
Abstract: Guangdong province holds a leading position in hot-spring tourism in China. With the diversity of tourists' desire and increasingly keen competition among hot-spring resorts, it is necessary to make benefit segmentation of hot-spring tourists. The paper, through sample survey of tourists in four high-class hot-spring resorts, by way of the statistical method of cluster analysis, divides the tourists into three categories; i.e., “business and luxury type”, “family and friendship type”, “recuperation and health protection type”. The demographic and trip-related characteristics of each segment are also summarized. Finally, combining with some actual cases, the authors offer suggestions regarding marketing in each segment as well as the developing strategies for hot-spring tourism in the years to come. Keywords: benefit-seeking, tourist market segmentation, hot-spring resort, top-class tourist, tourism marketing |